Wednesday 12 March 2014

Choosing The Right Treadmill For You Copied with permission from:

Convenience, ease and the efficiency of Treadmills have made them a revelation in the health industry. We have gone through such a variety of fitness exercises which either break your back trying to get them right, or are too difficult to master, let alone do them every day. But with a treadmill, you can burn calories the simplest was possible, by walking or running. Which, by the way, are the two most natural exercises you can imagine! You walk when you are a 2 year old, some even before that, and yet when it comes to exercising people turn to complex gym routines and diets to stay fit!

Work schedules, personal security, weather and health status; all make us reluctant to go out doors for walks on a regular basis. So it isn’t a surprise that even the world’s most advanced societies are facing health dilemmas. People in general don’t have time for gym workouts, and those who do are too exhausted by long work days to do them. As for recommenders of walking as an exercise, Treadmills not only make exercise easier, they cut out the obtrusive factors which hinder us in forming routines.

In addition to providing some very helpful bits of information along the way, treadmills provide a wide variety of exercise options. From walking to hill climbing, jogging to running, you can pace yourself as you like so there is something for everyone in the use of treadmills. However, with the market being so overcrowded with a wide range of treadmills, we see a need for guidance in making the best choices for you.

At the moment there are three distinct types of treadmills available on the market. So to pick out the best treadmill for you, let’s have a quick look at what each one of them has to offer.

First up is the Manual Treadmill; you don’t have to be a fitness guru to understand that a manual treadmill is non-motorized. It’s a simple machine with a belt and rollers that you move with your effort. The simpler a machine, the fewer are the chances of things going wrong with it. So that’s a positive feature; it will last longer. However, since the treadmill’s belt doesn’t move itself you can set your own pace, which is not so good for the lazy people who are unlikely to push themselves.

Next, there is the Motorized Treadmill with features to set the pace of your walk, jog or run. You can set your required pace and keep up with it over a period of time to get optimum exercise out of the time you spend on it. Then there are the ‘incline’ options in some motorized treadmills; these can help you decide the amount of incline you want for your run. The negatives go with the positives though, it’s a complicated piece of equipment and when it has problems they are complicated as well. Plus a motorized treadmill is going to be more expensive, compared to a manual treadmill, but with those features, you have to decide for what you want.

Now you can’t say you don’t have space for a treadmill; Foldable Treadmills have made that excuse redundant. Foldable treadmills can be stored in a negligible amount of space. These are great for use in the office or at home, whenever you take a break. So, if you are facing schedule constraints, or are just too lazy to take up regular exercise, then a foldable option might just be the best treadmill for you.

Frankly speaking, there is no hard and fast rule to determine which type of treadmill is better than the other. Though a comparison of treadmill features does help you decide which one is the best for you. Keep in mind, the treadmill that suits a friend perfectly isn’t certain to be even rated as ‘decent’ for you. So read up some treadmill reviews and choose according to your own situation.

A top factor that will affect your choice would be your personal age and weight. Though some might say that exercise is necessary for everyone, but the mode of exercise has to differ accordingly with the individual traits. A bulky person may need a wider belt or the handlebars may obstruct the usual path of the arm movement, so check the details before you buy. Age matters when you choose as well, especially for older people, the resilience of the deck and the heart rate control are very important. Safety features help every age so make sure that you don’t compromise on those. Similarly, whether you opt for running or walking determines not only the top speed you need from your treadmill, but also the size of the belt as well.

You look for a treadmill when you are conscious that you need to improve on your fitness levels. However, your aspirations determine the sort of treadmill you need. If you want to burn as much as you can in good time, trying out the incline options isn’t a bad idea at all. Again heart rate interactive checks are very handy to get you to your optimum fitness levels without doing damage to your body. ‘Who will be using it?’ is just as important as ‘how will you use it?’, if you buy a treadmill while targeting the fitness improvement of your whole family, then keep in mind any inhibitions that might stop a member from utilizing the treadmill to the full. Chances are if you are willing to spend enough, there will be a treadmill that will suit a diverse group of individuals like a glove!

Long or short workouts determine the quality of motor you need for your treadmill. If you use the treadmill in short bursts the ‘peak duty’ might not be as useless as you first thought. It can be maintained for a short period of time by the treadmill so perhaps that restriction can help keep your treadmill’s price down

How much do you use it? The amount of workout that is likely to be done on your treadmill should affect your choice of equipment. The more you want to use it, the more we would recommend that you go for high quality treadmills. Repairs will even out the price difference between cheap treadmills and high-end treadmills when you compare them in the long run. Consequently, it would be advisable to go for the higher priced quality treadmill rather than a cheap treadmill that would spend more time with the repairman than it does with you!

Thursday 6 March 2014

What You Need And What You Get From A Pilates Mat Exercise

You’ve probably heard of Pilates mat exercises, and have probably heard that it works great, or you probably heard that it sucks because it’s so hard. Pilates mat exercises, are the bare basics of the Pilates exercise invented by Joseph Pilates in the Early 1910. First of all, your idea of Pilates must have included something with machines that have springs and bands, but Pilates can also be done without machines, just a simple mat, and this is called Pilates mat work, or simple Pilates mat.

Pilates Mat exercises have been considered very beneficial, especially for those who want stronger abdominal muscles and a stronger core. By core I mean the abs and the lower back. Pilates, as Joseph Pilates made it to be, is a low intensity groups of exercises that supposed to strengthen your muscles. Usually, exercises are done with Pilates machines, but Pilates Mat exercises however, have more challenging exercises simply because your body doesn’t have to rely on the support of the machine to do the work, making it shoulder the work that you are making it do. These results in a variety of developments, more so, on the abs than any part of the body, and we all know that that piece of fat under the navel is really hard to get to.

The other benefit of a Pilates mat exercise is its sheer lack of exercise equipment. Unlike other Pilates exercises, this only requires you, as the name says, a Pilates mat. And you’re ready to go, of course every Pilates exercise requires you some sort of instructor, either a real one, or a video, to tell you what to do, or if what you’re doing is correct, which brings us to the question of do I really need an instructor? And the answer is yes, every exercise needs an instructor, even something you might think as simple as a Pilates mat exercise won’t look very simple once you’re in a hospital bed. Pilates mat exercises can be very advanced body work, and doing it wrongly can as with every type of work out, give you injuries. A Pilates mat instructor has to be certified by a qualified school make sure that your instructor has real qualifications before you take Pilates mat classes.

So when we touch the issue of a Pilates mat instructor, we ask what would be best. A DVD or a real one? Essentially, most Pilates experts recommend a real instructor, an instructor can point out what your doing wrong, can position you correctly if you don’t have the right posture, and can personalize the exercise you’re doing specifically for your body’s needs. However, there are lots of Pilates mat exercise videos out there that have been getting good reviews recently. Some people might have gone on to saying that it’s as good as the real instructor, well to each his own, but my suggestion is, if you can afford a real instructor, then get one. That’s the problem with real instructors though, the price, you’ll have to pay for classes monthly for that, but with a DVD, you’ll only have to buy it once and then you can use it for years to come. What’s also good with a Pilates mat exercise DVD is its convenience, you won’t have to travel to the gym or to class you can just spread your mat on the floor, turn on the DVD and the you’re good to go.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Basic Trampoline Tricks

If you own a trampoline, you already know that this is a great way to get out of the house and fresh air. Did you also know that you have your health? Jumping up and down on a trampoline is great for strengthening the cardio -vascular system and is also a great workout for almost every muscle and organ in the body . Exercising on a trampoline can also be very helpful for adults and children, as it helps to improve reflexes, flexibility, balance and coordination.One way to improve not only the fun aspect of the trampoline, but also increase the health benefits , is to put a little extra effort into your jumping by doing some tricks! There are many tricks that can done on the trampoline, from beginner to advanced . Some of them beginning with some basics including additional tips to ensure safety and prevent injury.' Landing on the back "is one of the first , basic trampoline tricks any bouncer should learn and is very simple. Remain motionless on the trampoline with your arms at your sides or even with hands in pockets. Back on the trampoline , keeping your body and mind. Since his return, let your head naturally responds too, do not masturbate or twist it meets the trampoline. It will bounce and then you can do it again and again until you get a good rebound height . The more you practice this trick , the more you bounce back and forth !Here's an intermediate trampoline trick you can do once you master the basic Back Landing trick . Start Similarly, vertical and motionless form, with your arms at your sides or hands in pockets. Fall , but when it bounces , kneeling on the floor instead! The motion will keep sending away so that you can repeat the trick as many times as you wish.Some advanced trampoline tricks include somersaults and wheel. Any of these can be forward or backward , but should be very comfortable and confident with their ability to bounce before trying any of them . Once you have the top down, what spices to give a twist to it .Before you try any trick to ensure the safety of everyone , including yourself. Do not forget to look around and see how much space you have. You definitely want to avoid a collision with the other bridges that are on the trampoline with you. To prevent further accidents , first heat by doing simple jumps and once you leave , remember to keep your head and neck in a natural position . In this way, you will not get hurt.

The Low Down On Diet Comparison

Low carbs and high protein is the way to lose weight, or so you’ll hear from one diet guru, and he has the testimonials to back it up. Low fat, lots of carbs and fresh fruits and veggies, says another – and he’s got the back up from satisfied users, too. A third swears that you need to count the amount of sugar; another tells you the enemy is white flour – if you want to lose real weight and keep it off, who do you listen to?

Take a look at the brief summaries below for a quick overview of the pros and cons of each of the popular types of diet plans.

Low Carb-Hi Protein Diets

Diets like the Atkins, the South Beach and the Zone Diet all recommend restricted carbohydrates and allow liberal amounts of protein, including protein derived from animal sources. Generally, they limit the overall amount of carbohydrates, or teach you to differentiate between “good” and “bad” carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates, which are forbidden, include white flour, white bread, and white sugar.

Pros: The diets all encourage learning healthy eating as part of losing weight. Deriving most of your daily calories from high fiber sources of carbs like leafy green vegetables and grains is generally considered the best diet for nutrition by the established medical community. The popularity of the diets makes it easy to find low-carb foods.

Cons: The allowance of eating all the protein and fats you like flies in the face of conventional medical wisdom. A diet high in saturated fats could lead to heart disease, diabetes, gout and other chronic health conditions. Following the diets’ cautions and advice to keep portions reasonable should mitigate that concern, though.

Weight Loss “Programs”

Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, SlimFast and a number of other weight loss programs rely heavily on pre-packaged ‘diet’ foods. They incorporate professional coaching, social structure and reinforcement.

Pros: The professional coaching and nutritional benefits are a big plus, as are the reinforcement and support aspect of the diets. Meals and supplements are prepackaged in the right proportions, and if you stick to the diets and exercise as directed you will lose weight.

Cons: The weekly fees and cost of meals can be expensive. In addition, if you rely completely on the packaged foods, you miss out on the re-education of your eating habits, which is important to maintaining any weight lost.

The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

This is not the diet that has circulated for the past thirty or more years and purported to have originated at the Mayo Clinic! The true Mayo Clinic’s nutrition and diet center recommends a healthy eating weight loss plan based on limiting fats, proteins and carbohydrates, counting calories and deriving most of the daily nutrition from vegetables, grains and fruit.

Pros: There’s no ‘diet’. Instead, you’re encouraged to take control of your eating. Portion control and sensible balance of nutrients are the cornerstones of a weight loss plan that takes weight off gradually, and helps you keep it off permanently.

Cons: It may be difficult to stay on the diet. Counting calories and portions can be difficult if you’re eating out or on the run.

There are many diets that promise to take weight off quickly and painlessly, without exercise or changing your eating habits. The three major variations of diets above all will result in 1-2 pounds of loss per week, which most doctors believe is the optimum way to lose weight for long lasting results.

Which Is A Better Workout Treadmill Or Elliptical Trainer

We live in a society obsessed with weight loss and fitness company . In response, there are countless products on the market that claim to get in shape . Most are fads that come and go. For example, how many people work with a master thigh. But occasionally an exercise machine is designed in such a way that gets results . Fitness and well- being is improved. Help beginners and fitness enthusiasts reach their exercise goals . It has 'staying' power!
The two most popular fitness equipment that match this qualification are treadmills and elliptical. The tried and true treadmill has been around for years. It remains popular because of its appeal to beginners and experienced athletes . It is a simple machine that does not require any special skills , all you need to do is walk , jog or run.
Although relatively new compared to a treadmill, elliptical trainer is becoming more popular. By cutting the number of the treadmill sells elliptical, but the percentage of the elliptical wins sales . It offers the benefit of a total body workout without impact session.
How to compare treadmills with elliptical training equipment ? What are the advantages of each machine? It might be good for you ?
Treadmills are the most popular fitness equipment. They are easy to use and provide an excellent cardiovascular workout . Treadmills allow you to walk , jog or run. In addition, you can simulate hill climbing .
By cutting the number running and walking are the most popular form of exercise . If you are a casual walker or a serious runner, a treadmill can accommodate your exercise needs . By adjusting the speed and incline you can adjust your cardio at all levels - from casual walking beating heart operation.
Most power treadmills offer a number of pre-set programs and intensity levels to choose from. In these particular machines, you can program your personal information (eg , age, weight, height, fitness level , etc. state. ) Then you can choose a pre-set ( as the murderer of Hill program "" training interval "or" lose weight " ) , and the camera automatically adjusts the drive according to your specifications meeting.
You can skip the pre-set programs and manually adjust the incline , speed and time yourself. And even if you have chosen a program pre - series, you can change the incline level or speed level at any time.
Running on a treadmill with a tread well padded surface provides less impact on the knees, shins , ankles , back and joints that do not work on the sidewalk. Accordingly, the runner who uses a treadmill is less likely to suffer an injury to a rider race run on a harder surface . ( However, the body of a runner still experience impact when the foot lands on the tape. )
Outside, you could stumble on a rock or twist your ankle in an unseen hole in the ground . You do not have to worry about the dangers of the road or trail that is not seen in the exercise on a treadmill . Just keep up the walking belt.
Treadmills not only efficiently burn calories , but their impact reducing surfaces decrease the risk of injury .
Elliptical trainers are relatively new to the industry of fitness equipment . They have gained popularity in recent years, and the growth rate is exceeded treadmills . A low impact , total body workout - But what they promise fulfilled ?
Elliptical trainers allow the user to record a similar number of calories as they would walking or jogging - but without the risk of injury to the back, knees , hips or ankles . The difference compared to a treadmill is your feet never leave the pedals.
Accordingly, an elliptical is low impact and reduces stress on the joints significantly. Indeed , while exercising on a treadmill requires your body to absorb the impact of walking or running , exercising on an elliptical can be compared to running on air. Running can cause 2.5x your body weight impact a treadmill .
Due to the low quality of the impact of an elliptical , this machine can be the best choice for older people or people who are recovering from injuries . This is the obvious reason ellipticals are so popular with us baby boomers . Our joints begin to say enough is enough .

Elliptical machines mimic the normal elliptical motion of the foot , leg extension , and rotation of the hip during walking or running. This motion uses all the leg muscles , giving you a total body workout lower .
But what makes this attractive elliptical trainer session is also getting a workout of the upper body (unlike the treadmill, that only works the lower body) ! As the feet go through their elliptical motion , the hands grasp the handlebar movement , the exercise of arms . The movement of the dual handlebars mimics cross-country skiing . This particular type of workout upper body workout will not result in the body of a bodybuilder . However, because you include the top 30% of his body in your workouts , the results will be more effective workout in less time .
Because ellipticals only work upper and lower body simultaneously , the heart rate rises rapidly . Therefore, less time is needed to get more results. The amount of energy expended is optimized . As you work in the legs, back , shoulders , chest, biceps , triceps are also working ... which helps to burn more calories in less time . ( An optimal workout need only be about 20-30 minutes, if the right amount of resistance is applied. )
Another advantage of elliptical trainers are the pedals can be worked in a forward or backward . When the address is changed the pedals , he directs his lower body in different ways. It's nice to be able to add versatility to your elliptical workout sessions , and such a change is to ensure optimal training of the leg muscles .
The intensity level can be adjusted on elliptical equipment to fit your personal level of fitness . Resistance may be added as desired to increase the workload on your legs throughout the step forward or backward. With such an effective workout , you can say 'goodbye' to flabby thighs and rear !
Studies show that work on an elliptical can trick the body into believing it is working easier than it really is. Therefore, you burn more calories in less time on an elliptical trainer , your body feels as if it has to work so hard to achieve their goals . This phenomenon is known as the " rate of perceived exertion . "
An elliptical device is safe to use ( ie it stops when you stop ) . It uses very little electricity and is economical to operate . Because of its low impact , less machine wear , very little maintenance. It has a small footprint , it takes up less space than other fitness equipment. And , like the treadmill is licensed to practice in a controlled environment for the comfort and convenience environment .
And the winner is !
Which is better , a treadmill or elliptical ? Both give an excellent cardio workout and when used regularly will burn unwanted calories .
For walking or running devotee , the treadmill is the device of choice . Even if you prefer the outdoors , the treadmill allows you to continue your favorite sport all year round and in all weather conditions. A treadmill will reduce injuries since you workout sitting flat on a surface that is amortized . You can add variety to your workout through various challenging programs. And control of heart rate, you can optimize your exercise allowing your heart rate to control the level of effort.
The call for an elliptical machine is the formation of upper and lower body combined , and low impact. You exercise more muscle groups while avoiding the kind of impact that can cause injuries. For those of us whose knees or ankles just can not take it anymore, the elliptical trainer is the obvious choice .
So what to choose? Depending on your preferences and needs, if it can be an excellent choice

Trampolines The Super Fun Way To Exercise And Play

 Trampolines are a great way to play and enjoy the outdoors while getting good exercise and burn all those extra calories. Enjoyed by children and adults , trampolines are recommended not only for playgrounds or play areas for children, but for the court house too . A good time can be spent with family and friends jumping off a trampoline.Go away for work and playTrampolines give those of us not in the exercise so the chance to work and play . Jumping up and down on the trampoline is not only fun, but it is a good way to burn calories and stay in shape. A trampoline that has been set up outside in the lawn or the game can be fun for the whole family or just for friends who fall in training. Even adults find jumping on the trampoline great fun and some are quite nostalgic about the games one can have on the trampoline.Trampolines - What are the facts ?Most trampolines have the support of steel frames and have synthetic fiber that can withstand the weight of a person jumping over them. Composed of triangular pieces of the fiber material trampoline consists of high quality, which is designed to withstand high pressures. The steel frame is also weatherproof and is not generally known to deform or bend. Couture firmly in place ensures that the material does not break even when children use an approximate way. They can be easily installed for outdoor use and can withstand harsh weather conditions. Some trampolines even known to have survived hurricanes when left outside houses in bad weather.Health Benefits of the use of a trampolineSome of the health benefits of using a trampoline include lower risk of disease and greater agility children. Young children learn to coordinate faster and learn how to balance as they learn to jump up and down on the trampoline . Growing children to achieve greater flexibility and even adults find that the trampoline is a sure way to burn all those extra calories . In addition to these benefits, the trampoline is a good excuse to take the kids away from the TV and abroad .

Tuesday 4 March 2014

If Arnold Schwarzenegger Can Do It With Free Weights Why Can T You

Is it better to workout with weights? Well the answer is yes and no. To say that free weights are better than machines would be incredibly unjust. There are advantages in both lifting weights and using a machine with weights attached.

Well some of the advantages of training with adjustable weights is that they fit any size of user. You could be 7ft 2 or 4ft 9, it doesn’t matter because the only thing that needs to be adjusted is the weight on the bar, almost hassle free.

Following on from the last point, the weight on the barbell can be adjusted in small increments, so when you are lifting you can train at your desired pace.

Free weight gives you the option of having multiple exercise options from just a bar and blocks of weight. The value you get for the money you spend and the end result make buying free weight for exercise an exceptional bargain.

Funnily enough, most of our everyday chores involve using free weight and we have probably never even thought about it. So naturally we are building and using muscles that we use on a daily basis, so it makes sense to lift weight on a bar. These daily exercise include lifting groceries, carrying books, cutting the lawn and lifting your children.

Another benefit of using free weight is the development of balance. However, machines help you with this part of the exercise and all you really need to do is lift and not worry about balance, or worrying about equally distributing the weight across your shoulders when doing a squat or unequal lift, due to uneven distribution of strength.

Ideally, machines are perfect to begin with because they allow you to develop the larger and more general muscles, whereas free weight concentrates both on the larger area of muscle as well as the muscles and tendants that support those general muscle groups. So if you have a machine already and have developed those larger muscle groups to an adequate standard, then moving on to free weight is only going to enhance your existing muscle and build extra muscle that you never knew existed.

The advantages are obvious and the savings can be substantial.

Benefits Of An Elliptical Trainer Workout

Elliptical trainers are ideal for getting in shape and losing weight. When you workout on an elliptical trainer there are two important benefits:

Low-Impact Exercise

Upper and Lower Body Workout

It is for those reasons that elliptical trainers are growing in popularity. Treadmills sell more in total numbers, but elliptical sales are growing at a faster pace. They are particularly appealing to the baby boomer generation that is looking for an alternative form of exercise and workout that lessens the impact on aging joints.

Low-Impact Exercise

The two most popular forms of exercise are walking and running. But the facts are running, and to a lesser extent walking, cause stress to your body through continual impact. In fact, runners can apply as much as 2.5 times their body weight to their joints with each stride. This is why runners and walkers often suffer from ankle, knee, hip and back injuries. Especially if they workout outdoors on concrete or asphalt. With every step there is a degree of shock absorption. This shock can be felt throughout your entire body.

Elliptical trainers reduce impact through their elliptical motion. Your feet never leave the foot pedals. There is no reverse action, or significant impact. Consequently there is virtually no shock absorption to your joints. The motion of an elliptical trainer simulates the natural path of the ankle, knee and hip joints during walking, jogging or running. And yet you still get a weight bearing workout, which builds bone density, and inhibits the onset of osteoporosis.

With a treadmill you are constantly lifting your feet and impacting the treadbelt with every stride. Treadmills are designed to absorb some of the impact, but there is still that constant jolt to your joints.

Upper and Lower Body Workout

In addition to the low impact exercise, elliptical trainers workout both the upper and lower body simultaneously. By exercising several muscle groups at once you are able to optimize your workout. By involving more muscle mass in your aerobic workout you increase the efficiency of your workout.

When you exercise both the upper and lower body on an elliptical trainer, you utilize the quadriceps, glutes, chest, back, hamstrings, triceps and biceps. By exercising more muscle mass you attain the following benefits:

Improved fat mobilization

Build muscle endurance

Burn more calories and fat in less time

Reduced perceived rate of exertion

Regarding the reduced perceived rate of exertion, studies have shown that an elliptical trainer workout will often be perceived as less strenuous due to the combined upper and lower body exercise. The perception is that you get more results with less effort.

The benefits of an elliptical trainer workout have resulted in increased sales for both residential and commercial use. They are gaining in popularity at health clubs, and where several years ago you may have seen one or two, you now see rows of ellipticals.

If you haven’t used an elliptical you need to give one a try. If you are thinking about home fitness equipment, seriously consider an elliptical trainer. The benefits surpass those you receive from a treadmill, and you will be doing your body a favor.

Sunday 2 March 2014

How the software fitness is useful for personal trainers ?

By Lisa Kowen

There was no foolproof option for personal trainers to effectively manage their financial affairs in a professional manner. There are many international options available that are not tailored to the specific needs of the personal trainer. Software specific management of a sector that is relevant for trainers and personal trainers has been relatively non-existent until the recent launch of Club Central PT fitness software .

International Software also tends to have a lot of features you will never use , from personal experience that also tend to be very rigid in some respects that currency and SMS functionality does not work in many countries. If you need specific changes fitness software , it is impossible to have a warranty and assistance online or by phone if you need a little help from time to time. fitness software

The successful work of the personal trainer one day of 10-12 hours , which means in business administration , should be effortless and the whole system is in place should be simple and effective. Computer Fitness personal trainer to help you enter or correct data from a smart phone or tablet and practice with very little effort or computer savvy .

What exactly is the software introduced personal fitness trainers :

    It is a software available on the Internet that tracks your appointments , customer databases , marketing and accounting all in one solution .
    All active loaded into the software have a complete history of contracts , appointments and accounts and messages. The software also allows you to identify your database in both active and inactive customers.
    The software has built-in email and SMS that allows personal trainers to ship ie communication campaigns invoices or work e -mail and appointment reminders you easily and quickly to both individuals and a specific group. fitness software
    From an accounting point of view ,fitness software  the software provides total financial reports total sales outstanding and allows you to easily enter invoices generated payments. At first glance , you can quickly identify customers who still need and who paid . This allows you to provide monthly statements and get your bills on time ! He needs your business entirely online and electronic - no more paper bills and not increasing crime . fitness software
    Run your online calendar ! Surprise your customers with the ability to send automatic reminders for your booked software Appointment effortlessly be canceled or moved, easy to see the history , notes and general comments you made about your customers and if you need a reminder, you can have all the appointments you daily sent the phone as well !
    Stay in touch with your database, campaigns by both email and SMS for inactive customers to recover in the gym or use the marketing functions motivated to keep their customers by creating a newsletter monthly information of the many models available . You can monitor and record the history of all SMS and email campaign sent so that nothing is forgotten

The functionality of the software would be useful for coaches who are also working on a schedule that time management is essential . fitness software

Kowen Lisa has 20 years experience in the fitness industry in South Africa. She is the director of The F.I.T. Principles of the Academy, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) representative of South Africa, co- owner and developer of fitness and fitnessconnect Exchange fitness software

Twenty Weight Loss Tips for 2014... To Infinity and Beyond!

1. Its not about a weight loss program... - its about fat loss for personal fitness, personal health and self love. Chances are if you are Googling weight loss, you're just a tad frustrated with status quo.

2. Skip the fad diets, weight loss foods, lose weight fast programs, exercise gadgets, weight loss supplements, focus on redesigning your life and finding true love within yourself. Its not a "diet plan" its a life plan.

3. It is NOT about going to the gym X number of times per week. It is about physical activity, exercise and training... what you love and what we can fit into your schedule. If you think "No time" is a reason for no exercise, no offence but you don't know what exercise is.

4. Wear a pedometer... the simplest way to boost your health... the truth serum of activity

5. Setting DEEP goals and incentives. No "I have to lose weight for the wedding". Real deep, goals that require serious, intrusive self discovery.
We don't "find ourselves" in life... we create ourselves... create, hone, create hone...

6. ALWAYS think of your kids, family... that's focus!

7. We are our children's #1 role model & mentor - for better or worse.

8. If you are feeling tortured or deprived... keep searching

9. Make sure your Gastrointestinal health is optimized... not about popping supplements! Belly fat is very complex!

10. Its not just about the scale... wear fitting clothes, use a tape measure

11. Blood work: I happen to believe the most meaningful encouraging reward of all: get a blood test now, and after 6 months of your "love your life" program - retest. Wowww!

12. Journal - self diarize... its not just about food and exercise... don't forget the Kudos column!

13. This is truly the hardest part: Analyze your eating habits, patterns, timing, triggers, food choices... not an easy process to open up with ourselves

14. Comfort foods are a must and fact of reality - Let's find ones that comfort your mood and comfort your health

15. Analyze friendships... the very best way to show love for another is by contributing to their health... are they looking to contribute to your health or a partner in crime?

16. Alcohol... empty calories that contribute nothing positive to your health or nutrition, cause the body to store fat, and cause us to drunk drive, and drunken eating binges!

17. Make it real... real, realistic you... its not about trying to be a Hollywood icon. Celebrate yourself

18. Look at your love yourself program as your fat loss, anti aging, beauty secrets, brain building opportunity. Welcome challenges as an opportunity to conquer!

19. Learn to identify and be acutely aware of physiological changes and rewards: energy, focus, mood, self pride...

20. Hire a health coach, not strictly a personal trainer. A health coach is well seasoned in addressing collectively your health risks. By taking an integrated approach to a higher health and fitness level, you will feel more empowered, and reap the rewards of stronger physiological rewards, to keep you faithful and in love. Divide & conquer your inner saboteurs, allowing your healthiest, happiest you to rise to power!
Shira Litwack, Medical Fitness Professional... proud creator of thousands of health enthusiasts & corporate health cultures world wide...
Personal & Telephonic/Skype Health Coaching, Lifestyle & Weight Management Health Coach,Fitness & Nutrition for chronic illness recovery & self empowerment, addiction recovery
Radio Talk Show Host/Producer bestinhealthradio
Cancerfitcare Provider & Regional Director
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Saturday 1 March 2014

5 Simple And Easy Fitness Tips That Work Every Time

If you take the opportunity to fully utilize these strategies there is no way you will not be disappointed. However, the key is consistency. These are all techniques that will work over time.

1) Get a personal trainer. There was a time where personal trainers were reserved for the rich and famous. However, times have changed. Nowadays you can go to your local gym and get high quality personal training. The nice thing about it is that many fitness centers will include the cost of the personal training in the initial cost of your membership. This means that you don't have to spend additional money to get a high level fitness coach to instruct you along the way.

2) Set realistic goals. If you try to accomplish all of your fitness goals in a one month timeframe you're going to be severely disappointed. As crazy and far-fetched as this may sound there are many people who actually engage in this behavior. They set themselves up for failure. You have to be different. Set very achievable goals. If you want to lose 20 pounds why not set your goals for a six month timeframe. That would be a realistic goal and it's also very achievable within the allotted time frame.

3) Make sure you vary your workout routine. If your workouts are always the same eventually you will plateau. What I mean by plateau, is eventually your body will adjust to the work out and you'll cease to realize the same gains as you had earlier on. To avoid this phenomenon make sure you vary your workouts. Perhaps the first two weeks your focus in on your cardio stamina. So the majority of your workouts would be geared toward cardio. For the next two weeks you may want to focus on strength training. This forces your muscles to adjust to a new workout regiment and you will continue to make gains. Additionally, this helps you stay motivated because no two workouts are exactly the same.

4) Create a training log. During your workout you will simply record exactly what you did, what weight you used, and how many reps you performed. What does this do for you? It serves as journal or diary of your progress. When you start lacking in motivation you can look back at all the hard work you have done. Look back and you will see how far you have come right on paper. This is so motivating! There's nothing better than to see the fruits of your labor.

5) Seek positive reinforcement. This is one of the most important things you can do to help yourself. Try to find a friend who you can exercise with. If that is not realistic you can go online and find groups of people who are trying to do the same thing as you are. The nice thing about this is you are not bound by geography and peer group. Using the internet you can find people from all over the world united with one goal. Utilizing this method will help you stay on track and continue to motivate yourself.

Mark Hall owns an informative fitness website called: He has recently opened his website for authors who would like to guest post on his site.  If you are interested in finding out more information on how to submit a guest post Click Here.
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3 Ways to Cover the Body Fat That Covers Your Abs

abs transformation
One of the hardest things fitness wins toned abdominal muscles. No matter if you are doing intense abdominal exercises on a daily basis . Body Abs  If you can not control the percentage of body fat around your stomach and abdominal muscles are never disclosed. In this article , we examine three methods that you can use to get rid of body fat covering the abdominal muscles. abs transformation

Firstly, it is important to know the percentage of body fat, you have to do for your abs to show.abdominal liposuction  abdominal liposuction abs transformation In general,abs transformation a body fat percentage of 10% or less in order to have well-toned abdominal muscles is necessary. One of the best ways to achieve this is by maintaining a strict diet Body Abs Body Abs . It is extremely important that you do not take in more calories than you burn each day. Also say goodbye to all comfort foods . Components such as fatty hamburgers , abs transformation ice cream and soft drinks must now all off limits. Instead of these foods, you should try to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. It is also important to drink plenty of water each day. Water helps keep hunger at bay and allows other important body functions too. For example , water can make your more efficient digestive system to produce more saliva .  abs transformation

The second way to get rid of body fat is to do a good mix of strength and cardiac exercises abs transformation. Many large abdominal routines that can be found on sites like YouTube. Enjoy these free programs and do on a daily basis. abs transformation must work hard enough to make you feel the pain at the end of each training session . You should consider these cardiac exercises such as running or swimming. If you want to lose belly fat fast ,Body Abs  then it is important that you do cardiac every day.  abs transformation

The last method to lose body fat is to make adjustments to your lifestyle. If you do not have enough exercise every day , then you can always burn more calories while engaging in specific tasks throughout the day. For example, you can take the stairs instead of the elevator Body Abs . You can stand while working. All these small changes can make a big difference to help you lose body fat covering the abdominal muscles  abs transformation